Summer means you can see how much moss is in your lawn

It’s green. It’s usually about 30-50mm high and its in nearly everybodies garden. Grass, you say? No, no. Moss. Now is the time you will notice just how much there is, because you are spending more time on the lawn, but is now the time to conquer the problem?

If you have some moss, but are keen to keep the problem under control the way to tackle the problem is with 4 lawn treatments per year. Our template for this is as follows,

Treatment 1-Early Spring-A high Notrogen feed will get your lawns growth off to a flying start.

Treatment 2-Early Summer-As the conditons for grass growth are now good, it’s time to apply a weed killer to remove all the nasties from the lawn.

Treatment 3-Late Summer-Time to prepare for winter. A feed containing some notrogen to extend the grass growing season, as well as potasium and phosphate to encourage the roots and stem to grow.

Treatment 4-Autumn-Specific moss killer. When applied the moss will turn black and more visible. At this time you can make a decision whether to scarify (if you have a lot of moss) or not.

Scarifying  is the process of removing the dead moss. If a lot of moss has ben taken from the lawn this can leave bare patches. Grass naturally thickens by sending new shoots sideways in spring, so if scarifying is done in winter the grass takes care of itself in spring.

If you have a lot of moss then obviously the conditions in your lawn are good for moss growth. Therefore it may be a good idea to address the problem that causes moss growth. Give us a call to discuss.

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