Archive: December, 2016


It's green. It's usually about 30-50mm high and its in nearly everybodies garden. Grass, you say? No, no. Moss. Now is the time you will notice just how much there is, because you are spending more time on the lawn, but is now ... Read More
December 14, 2016Paul Harris


ESSENTIAL JOBS CHECKLIST FOR JULY Prune shrubs that have flowered and feed them Take cuttings from many shrubs and alpines Water containers every day in hot weather Water borders if necessary, then mulch Clear excess pondweed Spray roses and feed Dead-head perennials and annuals unless you want to save seed ... Read More
December 14, 2016Paul Harris


It's green. It's usually about 30-50mm high and its in nearly everybodies garden. Grass, you say? No, no. Moss. Now is the time you will notice just how much there is, because you are spending more time on the lawn, but is now the time to conquer the problem? If you ... Read More
December 14, 2016Paul Harris